Assessing the pieces….

It’s old and has a gazillion pieces.  This will be an intricate puzzle of a process…

ah, the manual, the parts list… it’s beginning to take shape!

Putting together a preliminary draft on the side of Arts West before building it for real.  Next comes locating lost or broken parts, obtaining the proper permits, building the floor….

the greenhouse: a space of light, experimentation, and open possibilities.

A collaboration between ART/ENS professor Samantha DiRosa and new ENS professor Robert Charest.

This vintage Lord and Burnham greenhouse (donated to the ENS department) will be built with Green Design and Art students Fall semester 2011 next to Arts West, among the sculptures on the sculpture walk.

In its finished form the greenhouse will be an experimental engaged-learning space for interdisciplinary collaboration, helping to connect science/art disciplines and foster community in an area of campus that could really use it.  We plan for it to be off-the-grid with solar lighting, rain catchment, and solar pumps… This “outside-the-walls-of-the classroom” laboratory site will be a model of sustainability!

a vintage ad of this very greenhouse: